Exploring the Frontiers of Human Consciousness, Spirituality & Affirming our Universal Quest for Wisdom, Compassion, Justice, Healing, Love, Peace & Harmony: A Grassroots Foundation focusing on Advocacy, Human & Environmental Rights, Freedoms & Justice: Health & Wellness: Mental Health, Substance Abuse Education – Prevention – Training - Treatment & Services. Access to Water, Land, Housing, Shelter, Gainful Employment, Basic Social Services. Developing Sustainable, Self Sufficient, Shared People’s Centered Resourced Economy, Elevating & Illuminating our Liberating Sacred Trust, Affirming Our Multicultural Values & Common Humanity, Exploration of our Individual and Collective Artistic Skills and Talents through Universal Cultural Expressions, Shared Family and Community Values Empowering our Families, Children, Youth & Women with programs empowering communities to build a better society.
Global and Regional Partnerships in Advocacy, Human and Environmental Rights, Prevention, Research, Health, Mental Health/Substance Abuse Education & Treatment, Sustainable Economic Communal Development & Self Determination, Restoring to Humanity our natural resources i.e. water, food, shelter and housing. Universal Spirituality, Environmental and Cultural Affirmation: Illumination, Exploration and Elevation of our Human Consciousness and Wisdom for our Individual and Collective Creative Human Potential for Caring, Compassionate Acts of Love and Service.